A Highly Mobile Drilling Rig Capable of Working Efficiently in Extreme Arctic Conditions

Rig 141 is a fully integrated, multiple module unit that can drill on twenty-foot well spacing. The rig layout consists of seven individual modules, resulting in lightweight components that can be efficiently moved over floating ice bridges and marginal road conditions. The substructure module consists of the mast, rig floor equipment, and choke manifold. The pipeshed comprises two separate modules, one with the pipeskate unit, and the other is for pipe storage. The mudpit module houses the 1,025 barrel mud tankage, centrifugal pumps, and solids control equipment. The mud pump module contains two FB-1300 mud pumps, air heater, and parts storage. The power module consists of three Cat 3512 C generators, SCR room, highline transformer, and external radiators. The support module consists of two boilers, three air compressors, bulk fuel, and water storage tanks.
Rig 141 is trailerized, and uses oilfield trucks for moving. This configuration minimizes module weights and allows for faster moving speeds over long distances. On well-to-well moves, the mast remains standing, which minimizes moving time.
The mast hoisting capacity is 750,000 lbs. with a ten-line hook up, and the substructure is capable of a simultaneous load of 350,000 lbs. for pipe setback, and 400,000 lbs. rotary table load.
Hoisting / Rotary Equipment
- Prime Movers: 3ea. Cat 3512 C
- Available HP: 4,428 bhp @ 1,200 rpm
- Mast Capacity: 750,000 lb – 10 line
- Set Back Capacity (lb): 350,000 lb
- Setback: 135 stands of 5″
- Topdrive: NOV 11 5A capable 37,000 ft/lbs of continuous torque
- Rotary Table: Continental Emsco model 275 – 27 1/2″ opening
- Rotary Table Torque: 35,000 ft-lbs low
- Mud Pumps: 2 Continental Emsco – FB1300 triplexes
- Pump Liner Sizes Available: 5″, 5 1/2″, 5 3/4″, 6″, 6 1/4″, 6 1/2″, 6 3/4″, 7″
- Corresponding Working Pressure (psi): 5000, 4516, 4126, 3791, 3494, 3234, 2997, 2789
- Drawworks: OIME model 2000
Mud System / Solids Control
- Linear Motion Shakers: 3 ea Derrick, Flo- Line cleaner, AWD shale shakers
- Number of Pits: 9 components with total volume – 1000 bbl
- Desilter: 1 each Derrick, 20 cone
Blowout Prevention Equipment
- Diverter: Hydril 21 1/4″ 2000 psi, flanged
- Annular: Hydril, GK, 13 5/8″, 5000 psi
- Rams: 3 ea., Hydril, MPL, 13 1/8″, 5000 psi with 10″ operators
- Shear Ram: 1 ea., Hydril, MPL, 13 5/8″, 5000 psi with 14″ operators
- Choke Manifold: 5000 psi system
- Number of modules (excluding camp): 7
- Number self-propelled: 0
General Rig Moving Information
- Average move time well-well: 8 hrs well to well
- Maximum load: Substructure fully loaded at 1,027 kips
Dimension Capabilities
- Minimum well spacing: 10′
- GL to floor: 27′-6″ w/mat